Domača stran2023-02-23T12:49:38+01:00

Mobility plans

Dynamic shared transfer to work

Educational workshops

for companies

Sustainable Mobility




About the project

The SmartMOVE: Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility project aims at managing sustainable mobility in high-traffic locations in and around the city of Ljubljana. To effectively reduce traffic and the emerging emissions, the project will develop mobility plans for selected institutions that generate a lot of traffic, e.g. Ljubljana University Medical Centre and the BTC area. The plans encourage employees to use sustainable travel modes through recommending various measures.
For full potenial, trainings for management and employees will be held. Online educational workshops will be developed and offered to all interested complanies to enable them to turn to sustainable behaviour.
A new alternative to the personal car will be tested for commuting to work from a home address – the dynamic group transport by vans.
The SmartMOVE Sustainable Mobility Certificate will be launched and guidelines for strategies for decision makers formed.

Projekt SmartMOVE: Pametne rešitve za trajnostno mobilnost je namenjen upravljanju trajnostne mobilnosti na lokacijah z veliko prometa v Ljubljani in okolici. Z namenom zmanjšanja količine prometa in emisij bodo v okviru projekta za izbrane ustanove, ki ustvarjajo veliko prometa, denimo Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana in območje BTC, izdelani mobilnostni načrti, ki z različnimi ukrepi optimizirajo parkiranje in spodbujajo uporabo trajnostnih načinov potovanj pri zaposlenih.

Kot nova alternativa prihoda na delovno mesto iz domačega naslova bo preizkušen skupinski dinamični prevoz. Vzpostavljen bo tudi Certifikat za trajnostno mobilnost in pripravljena priporočila za strateške usmeritve.

Project partners

The SmartMOVE project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism in the amount of EUR 1,609,166.79.
The project aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Project duration: May 1st 2022 – April 30th 2024.
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

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